I'll confess that I am horrible about cleaning my make up brushes.
It always seems like a long, boring processes. Then I came across a few people talking about the Sigma spa brush cleaning mat $32. I thought it was an amazing idea, but I couldn't see myself paying for it! I started looking on Pinterest (Of Course) and saw many people making their own, and I thought whats the harm in trying! I'm so glad I did.
This was so simple, and super cheap, and you most likely have all you need right in your house!
Things you need
- Plastic Clip Board
- Hot Glue Gun (With Glue) Duh
- Pen/Sharpie (only if you want)
What to do If you want you can start by drawing your patterns onto the clipboard with a Pen/Sharpie, I started to do this but I'm very impatient so I ended up just winging it with the glue gun.
I did patterns of small dots, large dots, straight lines, and curved lines, I just went crazy with it, it doesn't have to be perfect by any means. after I was done with gluing my patterns I let it dry for a few minuets.
Then I headed for the sink. I wet all my brushes and got to scrubbing, I used baby shampoo you can also use any gentle face wash!
It took almost no time to wash all of my brushes, what normally takes 30 minuets. I'll never go back to just using my hands! I will certainly be washing my brushes much more often also.
-Victoria Morgan

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