Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Love Yourself Where You Are

Hey there,
It's been a long time, but I'm back. This is the year of pushing myself to be the best person I can be! So I want to reintroduce this blog by challenging you all to the same things that I've been trying to focus on myself. It's never too late to start. I have two challenges for you. First, find those small achievable goals for yourself, these can be daily, weekly, or even monthly goals! One of mine is to write more, which is the reason I'm here. A goal should be something that you can be proud of, something for yourself. This isn't always easy and may require taking a few leaps into the unknown. But whether you land on your feet or fall, you can learn from every experience. So scary or not get ready to leap! My second challenge for you, the most important one, is to Love yourself where you are right now. ​Love yourself if you are at your dream job. Love yourself is you've accomplished some of your big goals. Also love yourself if you fail, if you don't know what you're doing in life and if you feel lost. Love yourself!
I challenge you to do these things and see how much you grow.

With all of that being said I want to briefly talk about why I named my blog "Apply and Conquer". I feel like even if you are going through the hardest thing that you have ever been through, putting on your favorite lipstick or just putting on something that makes you feel beautiful can give you a certain confidence. Now don't get me wrong, I know it won’t fix everything but even having a mini, DIY spa day for yourself at home can do wonders when you are feeling less than the beautiful person you are. You can conquer those hard days and whatever they throw at you just by giving yourself a little extra boost! So keep that in mind when you are having a crappy day. Love yourself where you are right now and do a little extra something for yourself, to make yourself feel special. Set those goals and be proud. I'll be here to help give you the little push you need. :)

FUN FACT: Another reason behind the blog name, "Apply & Conquer": My name is the Latin word for Victory or... Conquer. So ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a "Conqueror" to fulfill the name meaning card that I kept on my wall (you know you had one). I don't know if I've ever lived up to that name but I like to think I have conquered some small things in my life. I'm still working on it!

*Side note, the Irish the meaning of the name Morgan, my middle name, is "Fighter of the Sea.” I knew I was always meant to mermaid... hence the red hair, haha!

Talk to y'all soon!
  Stay beautiful,
      -Victoria Morgan